Expert Seminars
Weekly Groups and Masterclasses
Highly experienced and successful tutors do not have a great deal of free time to meet students for one-to-one lessons. As fast as they have finished with one year’s students, they will take on a new intake of prospective students recommended to them on the basis of their ongoing success.
To widen access to our own ‘super tutors’ – those with around ten years’ experience or more – we convene a range of expert groups and seminars. These comprise of bespoke small group classes of four to six students, who meet on a regular basis either in your home or at our office. We offer weekly verbal and non-verbal reasoning classes to our 11+ students from January - July. Through the academic year, we offer a range of masterclass focus sessions which are designed to bridge individual students learning gaps, to strengthen academic progress, to ensure they are on track and to have access to our super tutor leads.
An 11+ students can expect to be invited to the following groups and seminars throughout the year: group mock exams, weekly reasoning groups, ISEB and consortium groups, masterclasses, desired school focus groups, creative writing sessions, interview preparation classes and bespoke home group sessions.
We offer weekly group courses as well as masterclasses over school holiday periods. To find out more please visit our news and events page. Find out more